What will you do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Welcome to the University of Emmaville!

I've always wanted my own school. The curriculum would include:
  • The Study of Dreams
  • The Art of Soul Work
  • Writing, Writing, & Writing
  • The Importance of Story
  • The Essentials of Nutrition (so everyone will stay healthy to do the rest of the classes)
And I'm certain other necessary classes would reveal themselves in time.

My husband and I are in northern Minnesota and while traveling to Lake Itasca, to the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi, we came across this abandoned town, Emmaville. A charming intersection, with an old school, a combination cafe/gas station, a car wash, and a few old houses. The town originated as a logging village in the 1800s, from what the locals tell. Revivals have been sporadic, with energetic and creative entrepreneurs trying to make a go of the store off and on over the years. But now the town is for sale. I am thinking it is the perfect setting for a story . . . a woman is running away from something . . . she decides to rent this old building and live here as inconspicuously as possible. Who is she? What has happened in her life? Hmmmm. . . .

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