When I read the Commercial Appeal newspaper article about her several weeks ago, I was impressed with her accomplishments, which are many. Most notably is her self-published memoir of her life - so far. I was determined to meet her and purchase her book.
On the cover of her book are two contrasting photos. One is a small, touching photo of Summer at age 15 holding her newborn son. The other is Summer today, at age 30, with her 15 year old son. He is the same age she was at his birth. The book begins with the gut-wrenching story of her fear and trembling as she gave birth, her mother at her side. Thank God for mothers. She continues with the story of growing up, feeling like an outsider, awkward, then at last coming into her own. As I sat with Summer that day, I could see the light in her eyes, the inner hope that she exudes. She held up her book and the pride illuminated the entire place. Get her book. Read it. She is an inspiration. And then volunteer to mentor teen girls. I plan to use her book in WriteMemphis classes to show these girls a wonderful role model for all of us to follow.